About Us

Making a Difference With Birmingham's Brotherhood Fraternity

Welcome to Nasiha Roho Adinasi Fraternity, Inc., proudly rooted in the vibrant city of Birmingham, Alabama. Our fraternity was founded on February 25, 1970, on the esteemed campus of Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama. It all began with a group of students who shared common interests, attitudes, and ...

Committed to Building Sustainable Futures and Growth

We are deeply committed to offering a diverse range of services and programs aimed at uplifting and supporting our community. Our primary focus is on academic mentorship, where we provide guidance and resources to young students to help them excel in their studies and develop critical thinking skills. We believe ...

Our Efforts to Support and Uplift Communities

Our dedication to excellence is reflected in everything we do, from our comprehensive educational and mentorship initiatives to our extensive community service efforts. We understand that true progress stems from a combination of knowledge, support, and action. Therefore, we focus on providing resources and ...